Completed Tournaments June


Trophy Winners Name Score
Champion Kevin Chen 6.5
2nd Liuxin Huang 6 On Tie Break
3nd Rudra Verma 6
Name Score Medal Winners Group
Elton Chan 5 Gold Aged 6
Anna He 3 Silver Aged 6
Thomas Huang 5.5 Gold Aged 7
Aayansh Anand 4 Silver Aged 7 – On Tie Break
Michael Dsa 4 Bronz Aged 7
Sitong Hao 5 Gold Aged 8
Elvin Di 4.5 Silver Aged 8
Luke Ye 5 Gold Aged 9
Vikram Mutyala 4 Silver Aged 9 – On Tie Break
Sanuja Dayananda 4 Bronz Aged 9
Benjamin Tee 5 Gold Aged 10
Harry Song 4 Silver Aged 10
Neel Narendruni 4.5 Gold Aged 11 – 12
Ethan D’Costa 4 Silver Aged 11 – 12 – On Tie Break
Srivathsa Alvandi 5 Gold Aged 13 – 15 – On Tie Break
David Wu 5 Silver Aged 13 – 15
Jasmine Liu 4 Gold Girls Group
Aashi Patel 3 Silver Girls Group
Kathleen Thi 2.5 Bronz Girls Group
Ria Anoop 2.5 Efforts Reward
Yolanda Lu 1.5 Efforts Reward
Place Name Age Rating Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.
1 Kevin Chen 12 678 6.5 25.5 35.5 27.5
2-3 Liuxin Huang 13 614 6 23.5 34 26
Rudra Verma 8 471 6 22 31 24
4 Thomas Huang 7 487 5.5 20 29 22.5
5-10 Benjamin Tee 10 688 5 25 35.5 24
Luke Ye 9 436 5 23.5 32.5 21
Elton Chan 6 371 5 22 29.5 19
Srivathsa Alvandi 15 457 5 21 30.5 20
David Wu 14 475 5 21 30 22
Sitong Hao 8 439 5 20.5 29.5 21
11-12 Elvin Di 8 497 4.5 19.5 29 18
Neel Narendruni 12 388 4.5 18.5 24 18
13-27 Ethan D’ Costa 11 406 4 22.5 30.5 17
Johnny Cong 13 468 4 20.5 28.5 18
Harry Song 10 387 4 20.5 28.5 17
Aayansh Anand 7 398 4 20.5 27.5 19
Aahnik Sinha 8 393 4 20.5 27.5 17
Michael Dsa 7 410 4 20 28.5 18
Shaun Zhou 7 365 4 20 27 16
Vikram Mutyala 9 401 4 18 27 16
Sean Gupta 10 412 4 17 23.5 18.5
Lachlan Hu 14 430 4 16.5 24.5 16
Tanay Gandhi 10 367 4 16.5 24.5 13
Jasmine Liu 10 365 4 16.5 24.5 13
Sanuja Dayananda 9 381 4 16 23.5 15
Mitul Sirohi 13 356 4 16 23.5 14
Heet Shah 11 373 4 14.5 21 14
28-30 Ishanveer Aggarwala 13 391 3.5 18 23.5 16
Adwik Sinha 12 378 3.5 17 23.5 15.5
Geoffrey Qin 7 3.5 12 17.5 8.5
31-40 Ethan Guo 10 349 3 19 26.5 13
Tony Lim 16 3 17.5 23.5 12
Atharv Moole 9 336 3 17.5 23 14
Gai Jason 8 358 3 17 24 13
Ethan SunilMathews 9 359 3 16.5 23.5 12
Anna He 6 333 3 16.5 21 10
Aashi Patel 9 351 3 16 21.5 10
Aarav Jethani 8 344 3 15 20.5 11
Dylan Sun 7 394 3 14.5 21.5 11
Shashwat Saurabh 9 3 12.5 16.5 7
41-44 Thomas Court 10 392 2.5 16.5 24.5 12.5
Ria Anoop 7 2.5 16.5 22 12
Samuel Lin 5 2.5 15 20.5 9.5
Kathleen Thi 9 2.5 13.5 18 5.5
45-50 Lucas Nguyen 11 2 17 23 8
Samyuktha Thippareddy Girl 7 2 17 22.5 8
Anton Rogozhin 8 352 2 15.5 20 10
Neel Islam 9 2 15 19.5 7
Lillian Tee 6 2 15 19.5 7
Andy Hu 11 302 2 15 19.5 5
51 Yolanda Lu 6 335 1.5 14.5 20.5 7
52-53 Marcus Thi 7 1 14.5 20.5 4
Anderson Yang 7 1 12.5 17.5 3
Tie-breaking in Swiss-system tournaments
If two players finishing the tournament on the same score, the following tiebreaks to determine who places higher. We use these tiebreaks is: M-Buch, Buch then Progr. for example Buch is only considered if M-Buch is equal, and Progr is only considered if both M-Buch and Buch are equal.
No Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Kevin Chen 23:W 13:W 8:W 3:W 5:W 2:W 4:D
2 Liuxin Huang 24:W 20:W 10:W 6:W 11:W 1:L 5:W
3 Rudra Verma 26:W 41:W 22:W 1:L 6:W 9:W 14:W
4 Thomas Huang 35:W 39:W 6:L 41:W 18:W 7:W 1:D
5 Benjamin Tee 7:W 18:W 14:W 9:W 1:L 10:W 2:L
6 Luke Ye 38:W 25:W 4:W 2:L 3:L 19:W 16:W
7 Elton Chan 5:L 27:W 43:W 13:W 8:W 4:L 18:W
8 Srivathsa Alvandi 37:W 12:W 1:L 28:W 7:L 15:W 20:W
9 David Wu 34:W 17:W 21:W 5:L 15:W 3:L 13:W
10 Sitong Hao 31:W 15:W 2:L 29:W 16:W 5:L 17:W
11 Elvin Di 19:W 16:L 23:W 17:W 2:L 28:D 29:W
12 Neel Narendruni 52:W 8:L 31:W 21:D 19:W 13:L 28:W
13 Ethan D’ Costa 50:W 1:L 24:W 7:L 27:W 12:W 9:L
14 Johnny Cong 47:W 28:W 5:L 15:L 23:W 21:W 3:L
15 Harry Song 30:W 10:L 38:W 14:W 9:L 8:L 35:W
16 Aayansh Anand 45:W 11:W 18:L 33:W 10:L 25:W 6:L
17 Aahnik Sinha 48:W 9:L 26:W 11:L 24:W 33:W 10:L
18 Michael Dsa 36:W 5:L 16:W 34:W 4:L 35:W 7:L
19 Shaun Zhou 11:L 45:W 20:W 22:W 12:L 6:L 33:W
20 Vikram Mutyala 32:W 2:L 19:L 37:W 34:W 31:W 8:L
21 Sean Gupta 51:W 43:W 9:L 12:D 42:W 14:L 26:D
22 Lachlan Hu 33:W 29:W 3:L 19:L 35:L 47:W 34:W
23 Tanay Gandhi 1:L 50:W 11:L 45:W 14:L 37:W 38:W
24 Jasmine Liu 2:L 36:W 13:L 48:W 17:L 32:W 42:W
25 Sanuja Dayananda 42:W 6:L 33:L 38:W 32:W 16:L 36:W
26 Mitul Sirohi 3:L 44:W 17:L 46:W 29:D 42:W 21:D
27 Heet Shah 49:W 7:L 32:L 36:W 13:L 46:W 31:W
28 Ishanveer Aggarwala 53:W 14:L 37:W 8:L 47:W 11:D 12:L
29 Adwik Sinha 46:W 22:L 49:W 10:L 26:D 39:W 11:L
30 Geoffrey Qin 15:L 31:L 44:D 40:L 48:W 50:W 47:W
31 Ethan Guo 10:L 30:W 12:L 39:W 41:W 20:L 27:L
32 Tony Lim 20:L 35:W 27:W 42:L 25:L 24:L 45:W
33 Atharv Moole 22:L 46:W 25:W 16:L 51:W 17:L 19:L
34 Gai Jason 9:L 48:W 39:W 18:L 20:L 45:W 22:L
35 Ethan Sunil  Mathews 4:L 32:L 51:W 49:W 22:W 18:L 15:L
36 Anna He 18:L 24:L 53:W 27:L 43:W 41:W 25:L
37 Aashi Patel 8:L 40:W 28:L 20:L 52:W 23:L 51:W
38 Aarav Jethani 6:L 52:W 15:L 25:L 49:W 51:W 23:L
39 Dylan Sun 44:W 4:L 34:L 31:L 40:W 29:L 46:W
40 Shashwat Saurabh 41:L 37:L 45:L 30:W 39:L 52:W 48:W
41 Thomas Court 40:W 3:L 47:W 4:L 31:L 36:L 43:D
42 Ria Anoop 25:L 51:D 50:W 32:W 21:L 26:L 24:L
43 Samuel Lin 0:W 21:L 7:L 47:L 36:L 53:W 41:D
44 Kathleen Thi 39:L 26:L 30:D 51:L 45:L 0:W 53:W
45 Lucas Nguyen 16:L 19:L 40:W 23:L 44:W 34:L 32:L
46 Samyuktha Thippareddy 29:L 33:L 0:W 26:L 50:W 27:L 39:L
47 Anton Rogozhin 14:L 53:W 41:L 43:W 28:L 22:L 30:L
48 Neel Islam 17:L 34:L 52:W 24:L 30:L 49:W 40:L
49 Lillian Tee 27:L 0:W 29:L 35:L 38:L 48:L 52:W
50 Andy Hu 13:L 23:L 42:L 53:W 46:L 30:L 0:W
51 Yolanda Lu 21:L 42:D 35:L 44:W 33:L 38:L 37:L
52 Marcus Thi 12:L 38:L 48:L 0:W 37:L 40:L 49:L
53 Anderson Yang 28:L 47:L 36:L 50:L 0:W 43:L 44:L
Completed Tournaments June